
New BN Cera Patch

BN Cera Patch provides a ready-to-use, water-based ceramic putty/patching material that can be filled into any fissure, crack or defect in refractory materials to achieve non-wetting with molten aluminum. Read more on the Product Page View Datasheet

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ZYP trademarks blue

ZYP Coatings has trademarked the color BLUE as applied to a boron nitride refractory coating. In 1998, ZYP Coatings formulated our world famous BLUE boron nitride coatings which provide the increased visibility needed on white ceramic substrates. This “baby blue” is...

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BN Glass Release

Boron Nitride Glass Release Spray provides a water-based BN paint as an alternative to our flammable solvent-based aerosol BN Aerosol Lubricoat. Glass Release is a non-hazardous product, thus allowing much lower shipping/handling costs.  Just like our aerosol, this...

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Cera Mastic

Cera Mastic provides a ready-to-use, water-based ceramic putty patching material that can be filled into any fissure, crack or defect in refractory materials. This unique repair product is based on a proprietary mixed oxide system that is completely free of Refractory...

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Pyrrhos coatings

Pyrrhos (standard), BN Pyrrhos, Pyrrhos Binder This new coating group utilizes silicone along with a unique binder/suspender system that enables superior performance from room temperature to over 800 C in all atmospheres and for all substrates. Pyrrhos coatings here...

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Unique Refractory Foam-in-Place

Cera Foam® Our water-based, paintable coating with “chemical direct foaming” expands to 2.5 times its size to form adherent, porous, black foam when first heated up to 700 C. Cera Foam provides highly porous thermal insulation as well as sealing/filling holes and gaps...

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Aluminum Laser Welding

Korean researchers have demonstrated that our Titanium Nitride coating onto aluminum before laser welding produced great benefits, including much better laser absorption without cracking. Nam, S.; Jung, I.-H.; Kim, Y.-M. Effect of TiN Spray Coating on Cracking...

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Near-zero Thermal Expanding Product

3D Cer-Paste ZRP Our proprietary composition has near-zero thermal expansion like fused silica and thus is extremely thermal shock resistant. Therefore, parts can be fabricated that can be used to 1500 C for very unique areas. This is a ‘first’ to have low overall...

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